License Server and Manager

The goal of this project was to create a software licensing server with a REST API for users, along with a CLI for admin management.

License Generation

The CLI can be used to manage licenses; additionally, it provides functionality to generate empty licenses whose product keys can be distributed to consumers. Before a license can be generated the server requires two resources to exist, a DB entity corresponding to the product and version the license will be attached to and an ed25519 key pair associated with said product/version. Once these have been created a new license can be generated per the workflow below:

  1. License metadata is initialized as a JSON string
  2. Metadata JSON is hashed and signed with the product/version private key
  3. Signature is AES encrypted and base58 encoded for distribution as the product key
  4. License is stored in db as {"key": encrypted signature, "attributes": license metadata}

License Issuing

Using the REST API, clients corresponding to products in the server database can POST consumer product keys to validate the keys and issue licenses. When it receives a request to the /issue endpoint, the server completes the following workflow:

  1. DB key lookup and signature verification if key is found & unassigned
  2. Key is bound to the client machine or all machines if none provided
  3. Client activation response is sent: {"identity": "", "machine": "", "issue_date": "", "expiration_date": "", "refresh_date": ""}

On receipt of the activation data, the client should store it locally and repeat the key verification process before the refresh_date to avoid invalidating the key.

API Docs

Future Work

  • Management GUI
  • Client libraries
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