Lifelens Telegram Bot

Lifelens is a Telegram bot that allows users to easily collect self-report health and wellness data about their life. See below for a list of available commands:

MoodAdd a mood log entry
Morning JournalCreate a new morning journal entry
Evening JournalCreate a new evening journal entry
Week JournalCreate a new weekly review journal entry
WeatherView the weather forecast for the following day


The journal commands comprise the majority of the bot’s functionality. Creating a journal entry starts a conversation between the user and Lifelens to collect data for the given journal type. Each metric utilizes a different keyboard in Telegram (i.e. text entry, number selection, radio buttons, etc.) to ensure user’s are able to create entries as efficiently as possible. Once all of the data for a given entry is collected, it’s stored in the associated MongoDB collection for that journal type.

Metrics Overview

JournalMetrics Tracked
Moodscale 1-5 current mood
Morningsleep quality, bed time, wake time, sleep duration, bodyweight, body mass index (BMI)
Eveningbool(exercised), bool(meditated), bool(drank enough water), # cups of coffee, bool(ate veggies), scale 1-5 anxiety, bool(got outside), what was the main focus of the day?, scale 1-5 do you feel excited about what’s ahead in the future?
Weekbool(worked towards fitness goal), what’s next week’s fitness goal?, scale 1-5 life progress satisfaction, bool(enough family time), bool(enough friend time), bool(intellectually fulfilled), bool(went somewhere new)

Future Work

Currently, Lifelens only provides a method of data collection and leaves the task of retrieving and processing the data to the user. While it’s not the intention of this project to provide data visualization tooling, a few REST API endpoints could be added to allow users to easily query their data in MongoDB.

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