Secure File Sharing

This project is a quick proof of concept using AES encryption to securely share files, key/value secrets, or plaintext. After entering their secret data and setting an expiration time, users can generate a shareable 12 character code that can be used to decrypt the data. In a production setting, a cron job would run to regularly clean expired keys from the database, or a store with built-in expiration like Redis could alternatively be used.

API Routes

POST /commit

// request
    "contents": "string | number[]",
    "expiration": "string"

// response
    "data": {
       "code": "string",
       "exipiresAt": "Date"
// request
    "contents": "string | number[]",
    "expiration": "string"

// response
    "data": {
       "code": "string",
       "exipiresAt": "Date"

POST /retrieve

// request
    "code": "string"

// response
    "data": {
       "content": "string | Record<string, string | number | boolean>"
// request
    "code": "string"

// response
    "data": {
       "content": "string | Record<string, string | number | boolean>"
Secure File Sharing UI
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